

दीन कल्याण फाउंडेशन

The importance of early old age people: Early old age people is essential for a growth’s development and lays the foundation for their future success. It helps old age people develop the skills they need to succeed in school and in life, such as problem-solving, communication, and critical thinking. We are arranging free seminars in different locations. like small villages, slum areas, small schools etc.

दीन कल्याण फाउंडेशन

दीन कल्याण फाउंडेशन आश्रम में सहयोग के लिए आप निम्नांकित सदस्यता भी ले सकते है।

  • 1 बुजुर्ग का मसिक खाना 1100,
  • 1 बुजुर्ग का त्रैमासिक  खाना 2500,
  • 1 बुजुर्ग का 6 महीने का खाना  5100
  • 1 बुजुर्ग का 1 साल का खाना 11000,
  • 6 महीने के कपडे का खर्च 2500
  • 1 साल का कपड़े का खर्च 5100
  • आप अपनी सामर्थ्य अनुसार संस्था मे सहयोग कर बुजुर्ग का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करें।

Helping Today

Our Goal is to Help Poor People

To promote research, education, and impart education, training for the development of socio-economic and spiritual aspects in different fields/sectors, especially in rural areas.

  • Have enough food for life.
  • Poor children can return to school.
  • To Provide basic health facilities for people
  • Educate and provide healthcare free of cost

Our  Society is being run by the blessing of almighty god and under the super vision of volunteer persons & near dear friends.

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